I've been thinking about the new picture that covers the transitory domain since it was first posted at http://cognitive-edge.com/blog/entry/5734/...-to-give-birth-to-a-dancing-star/ and in particular I’ve been focused on the "Duffer zone" for which Dave Snowden has said:
… when you deliberately remove all constrains with no idea whatsoever about what you will do. You deserve to die.
The background for this discussion is a “system-of-meaning,”
where we have taxonomy and typology locked into conflict. Taxonomies are information lattices formed
under high constraints, while typologies are theories that can developed when
there is an abundance of information and constraints are low. From my post on Between
Taxonomy and Typology:
(3.6) We see the conflicts more clearly because the boundaries of systems are more visible than the rules and principles of behavior. Thus transgressions of the rules may be more shocking because they occur in unexpected contexts, nearer the heart (center) than the edge.
(3.7) Fragments slip through these boundaries.
1. High Constraints
If we consider our starting point to be the lower right
corner “Deliberate Awareness of the Dynamic,” we will find in most
circumstances that there are considerable constraints in place and our options for
engagement and activity are rather limited. When starting in the lower right corner of the illustration, there are only a limited number of options that one can try for. This is an area of high constraints where
only incremental change can be exercised. There is no easy outcome in these sorts of
activities or games and our choice of moves are rather limited.
I have found a concise example from classes in Political
Science and Statecraft in Deterrence Theory. When we consider the strategies through which
a state can exercise its power in a bipolar relationship, we can construct
movements from one cell to the next along the following lines:
(1.1) The desired outcome of bargaining is coercion, wherein the target party has acted through force that is real or implied.
(1.2) If the target does not yield, it is because one side has settled upon a strategy of escalation. This is brinksmanship wherein “…the threats involved might become so huge as to be unmanageable at which point both sides are likely to back down.” (ibid)
(1.3) A state can pursue an indirect strategy of diplomacy or soft power. Outcomes are ones of mutual benefits. Outcomes may also be the de-escalation of demands and other levers of explicit force. Diplomacy expands the scope of engagements between the parties.
(1.4) The last available movement in deterrence is the opposite of brinkmanship, namely deception, propaganda or bluffing. One party has hidden information that, when later revealed, underscores the weakness of the position.
These movements are sensible when placed within the sub-model of the transitory domain. In the highly constrained situation these moves are all below the diagonal line. The diagonal represents the Cynefin boundary between the complex domain and disorder, proceeding from disorder through ambiguity towards coherence as it rises to the right.
We cannot breach this line as we cannot design a strategy that moves from the deliberate and impossible to the easy and unexpected. Such a move would require a radical change of constraints and that reconstitutes the problem into one in a different domain. If we reframe the problem, then we are no longer oriented towards the complex domain – reframing reduces the situation to an ordered solution which by definition means the complicated or simple domain. In similar fashion, the revelation of hidden information changes the context in the same way. The transitory domain is fluid and we cannot fashion a deliberate strategy to “stay in place” for very long.
We can construct similar moves from contracting and negotiations:
From certain forms of negotiations and Game Theory there is one final applicable move:
3. Misinterpretation
4. Collaboration
(1.1) The desired outcome of bargaining is coercion, wherein the target party has acted through force that is real or implied.
(1.2) If the target does not yield, it is because one side has settled upon a strategy of escalation. This is brinksmanship wherein “…the threats involved might become so huge as to be unmanageable at which point both sides are likely to back down.” (ibid)
(1.3) A state can pursue an indirect strategy of diplomacy or soft power. Outcomes are ones of mutual benefits. Outcomes may also be the de-escalation of demands and other levers of explicit force. Diplomacy expands the scope of engagements between the parties.
(1.4) The last available movement in deterrence is the opposite of brinkmanship, namely deception, propaganda or bluffing. One party has hidden information that, when later revealed, underscores the weakness of the position.
These movements are sensible when placed within the sub-model of the transitory domain. In the highly constrained situation these moves are all below the diagonal line. The diagonal represents the Cynefin boundary between the complex domain and disorder, proceeding from disorder through ambiguity towards coherence as it rises to the right.
We cannot breach this line as we cannot design a strategy that moves from the deliberate and impossible to the easy and unexpected. Such a move would require a radical change of constraints and that reconstitutes the problem into one in a different domain. If we reframe the problem, then we are no longer oriented towards the complex domain – reframing reduces the situation to an ordered solution which by definition means the complicated or simple domain. In similar fashion, the revelation of hidden information changes the context in the same way. The transitory domain is fluid and we cannot fashion a deliberate strategy to “stay in place” for very long.
We can construct similar moves from contracting and negotiations:
(1.1) Demands and conditions;
(1.2) Chicken or defense-in-depth; also see the Chicken game;
(1.3) Integrative negotiation, the so called “win-win”; and
(1.4) And various forms of misdirection.
From certain forms of negotiations and Game Theory there is one final applicable move:
(1.5) This is the roll of the dice, the deadline of the clock, and the so called “moves
by nature.” This is the limit of the unknown when a move, any move,
is forced upon us. This last case is necessarily ambiguous and fits in the
center cell of the sub-model.
2. Low Constraints
Having fleshed out the incremental moves available under
high constraints, we need to examine the zone labeled “Exploit Occurrence” in a
similar vein. The critical
characteristic of the Easy corner (upper left) is that when there are few
constraints the people or agents in the system can readily – freely – move.
The baseline example for this scenario is the Technology
Adoption Lifecycle model. With the
first move already provided and oriented towards coherence and the complex
domain, we can easily plot out the moves:
(2.1) Innovators and early adopters accept the risks to seize
the rewards that are promised. This is deliberate awareness, even though the
risks (and failures) are not clearly apparent.
(2.2) The early and late majorities are the mainstream; they
follow as more information becomes apparent.
A decision can be made on the basis of risks and rewards; this decision
is rational or emotional and therefore the plausible movement case.
(2.3) We then find the laggards who avoid making the
transition. As they wait the
circumstances change, until they face an abrupt transition whose consequences
are unknown.
In marketing and technology diffusion we can design our
(pricing) strategies towards the early adopters, the mainstream, or the
late-comers. And it is from marketing,
rather than the technology adaptation model, that we can discover the last move
within this region:
(2.4) The final case is one of deliberate bad acts to achieve
disorder. These are the Luddites,
copycats and intellectual property thieves, spammers and more. The actor’s objective is to upset the normal
system and introduce disorder which refashions the dynamics of the system in
unexpected ways.
These moves are all above the line. Curiously, in a free-movement system I
haven’t found a move into the center ambiguous square. By way of explanation, we cannot subdivide the
laggards (the unknown and unexpected) in any meaningful way.
3. Misinterpretation
While we cannot design a strategy that moves across
the center line, we can all too easily mistake a situation and naively
apply a strategy for a highly constrained situation to one of low
constraints. Or vice versa.
If we choose for instance to apply strategies for an open
(low constraint), free-movement situation to a highly constrained, incremental
movement situation, we may well end up in the “Duffer zone” suffering from
Dave’s comment about “no constraints … deserve to die.”
On the other hand, we may attempt to apply high constraint strategies to a free-movement situation (or system). The outcomes that succeed or fail in this
case are likely to be more random than they are deliberate. We will chalk up these outcomes to surprise,
or intervention, or luck in post-hoc rationalization (retrospective coherence).
This case is probably a return into the
chaotic domain vice an ascent into the complex realm.
4. Collaboration
Collaboration also has a role to play in this transitory
framework. We can see a ready alignment
between early adopters and the dominant power in the easy—deliberate cell
(upper left right). We also can see a natural
alignment among bad actors in the impossible—unexpected cell (lower
right left). These two collaborations have no
predictive power as the system will stabilize and form or collapse without
either coalition’s contribution.
The horizontal axis of the unknowns is peculiar
case. There would not normally be a
confluence of interest between Brinksmanship and Laggards, as the zealots
pushing their increasingly radical proposals are avoided and ignored by the
late adopters. I suspect this dynamic
tends to reinforce the status-quo, especially when the laggards are a large
fraction of the population.
The vertical axis of the plausible is the most
interesting combination. Here we find in
diplomacy and integrative negotiation a predisposition towards engagement and
the expansion of boundaries in “win-win” agreements. We also have in social networks, which are
open, free-movement systems, the known accomplishments of swarming and
crowdsourcing. The combination of these
two interests may well represent a significant predisposition in this
In summary this transitory framework is quite rich and
complex. It contains a number of surprising connections and is asymmetrical enough
that it defies reduction into 2 x 2 forms.